And the Next Plot Twist Is?

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Q: And the Next Plot Twist Is?

A: News: As of this moment, we have a new President-Elect! Firsts: We have the first Madam Vice President in the history of our nation, black, Southeast Asian, and forging a path for women everywhere. Old News: Our incumbent is still ranting tweets from his Golf Course. “Fake” (can’t be true) News: Weasel lawyers trying to eke out a false win for the arrogant behemoth ego in office, claiming election fraud at Four Seasons Landscaping by mistake (Mercury Retrograde). Speculation: A coup is on the horizon. Without a concession speech and without Republicans giving the nod to our President-Elect, where do we go from here with Uranus at the helm?

Eyes Open. Everything that is occurring to dismantle our democracy is happening before our eyes. Not only do we need to keep them open, we have to see what we are not seeing. Corruption has woven itself into our government for years. We are not immune to behavior that leads to dictatorship. The world’s eyes are open, witnessing us as we fight for our freedom. They see a polarized nation with different definitions of what this means. They see our windows boarded up as a sign of degradation. We must see ourselves from outside of our US-Centric perspective and get humble.

Own it. As a country, we have deeply abused our power in the name of greed, racism, and toxic masculinity. We have to pay our debts to the countries we have stepped on to allow us to rise as well as our own people and we can only do this through humility. Are we willing to take responsibility as a nation? Let’s see.

Speak Up. We are a democracy. If we don’t speak our voice, we are accomplices and enablers to whatever is happening at the higher levels and behind closed doors. This includes doing our work to know what it is we want to say and know why we are saying it. 

Acknowledge. We are not victims, we are already participants in the false paradise we have co-created. From the food we eat to the clothing we buy to the television we watch and social media we scroll to the conversations we have, to the places we travel and how we travel as Americans, we have to take responsibility for who we have become in order to make real change for the future. This requires us to recognize that we need to change first. 

Healing. A powerful promise and a necessary call to action amongst the wreckage we’ve endured over the last four years as a nation. No, this President-Elect will not solve all of our problems, yet perhaps we will regain a sense of dignified participation in the global community once again. We can begin to work together as opposed to against one another and clean up our blind justifications and enablement of what has occurred under our watch as a people.

Self-Observation. The road ahead is long and full of hope (and terrors)...and it is ours to tread. When in doubt, observe. When in crisis, observe. When circumstances are out of your control, that which you can control is your attitude and response. Observing ourselves in the midst of stressful and tenuous times is a key factor in our present moment success. Give yourself a chance to fully embrace these words and observe.

Hope-full. The energy throughout the nation, for at least 50% of the country, is electric. There is a renewed sense of vigor in the air. As well, a near 50% of the US population are feeling as if their world is crumbling, and (through the filter of projection) not only their world, but your world too---in their “humble” opinion. They deem you as blind to reality and no amount of arguing sense into you will suffice, seeing that “you” are on the wrong side of the fence. May we be gracious in living a new example of unity into reality.

Clarity. Can you see? There is no “right” side to be on anymore. With a division as powerful as equal parts light and dark, good and evil, this party or that party, we are severed in our sight. The United is divided, and no amount of reparations in the immediate future will see us into where we feel at ease. The work is beyond identifying ourselves in the heated debate of duality. This may cause the tower of illusion to ultimately fall, humbling us all equally to ensure a new path forward. 

Respect Pluto. The Pluto Return of the United States is here to teach us what was so elegantly stated by Joe Biden in his victory speech, “And we lead not by the example of our power, but by the power of our example.” May we, The United States of America, become an example of honesty, empathy, integrity, compassion, liberty, collaboration, and truth. Everything is possible and patience is a virtue.

We cannot change the world until we accept we are the world. This is the new conversation.