How Does Grief Become You?


Q: How Does Grief Become You?

A: This week has been a strong one, beautiful in many ways but also incredibly painful as I’ve been pulled into an ocean of grief. As someone who loves change, I also can tend to romanticize the notion until it becomes so real there is nowhere else to go except into the change itself. And there within lies the death of what has been. I then enter a mourning over that loss, and later find myself steeped in prayers for the eventual rebirth of what may come. But that mourning is a deep part of the journey…

The stars this week point to radical letting go, release is in the air and somehow I wish it wasn’t (that is my attachment to previous dreams talking, don’t mind me). What isn’t working will be pulled off with force unless you take the initiative. You can thank Pluto for this as well as the dance between Mars and Venus circulating the Lord of the Underworld initiating massive shifts in the tectonic plates of your life. Anyone else feeling this? You will feel it most in the area where Pluto is transiting in your chart, however, all of us will have to face the changes within our particular Aquarian nature in relationship to technology, the collective, our shared future and that which Aquarius rules including friendships, communities, boundaries, dreams, visions... 

And Pluto in Aquarius has such a different vibe. Notice how I keep referring to this? It is because we are entering into a new era. I am still getting used to this momentum as Pluto has unearthed from Capricorn with such a powerful force bringing the unexpected into view - we can thank Uranus, the co-ruler of Aquarius for this dynamic.


Grief. I pulled the Three of Swords card which represents (according to Angeles Arrien) the “events or sorrow that has pierced our nature to the core…symbolized by the swords piercing the lotus blossom with petals falling from its stem.” Pulling this card is actually an invitation to rewire my thinking, eliminate the negativity, resentment and pain that I may be harboring, and change my perspective fully in order to move forward and let go. In other words, big inner work and potential somatic reflection in the body that shows up particularly in the lungs. 

As I write this I am swimming in my lungs and observing, again, how every time I am brought deeper than ever before into a transmutation of a core lesson, I not only feel it in my body but I process and live it in very unpleasant physical ways. And I’ve been reflecting on how I learn my lessons so hard. Perhaps this is part of my Taurean Moon nature, stubborn, steadfast, and loyal to a fault? Regardless of the reason, here I am again, moving through sadness and mourning over what has and could have been with nowhere else to turn except toward my grief. 

“Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also suffer great sorrow, but this same necessity of loving serves to counteract their grief and heals them.” 

- Leo Tolstoy

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