What Is That Rumble?


Q: What Is That Rumble?

A: The definition of a rumble is a continuous deep and resonant sound. And a living semblance of an auditory configuration emerging from the depths of my psyche means either one of two things to me. 1. A dragon has awakened (which interestingly enough we have now entered the year of the Dragon according to the Chinese New Year. or 2. Change. At this moment, I am deeply present to the latter and am asking myself - “again”?!

If I’ve learned anything thus far in life, change is how I walk through this world. Constantly shifting through time and space with an evolutionary purpose of growth and learning. And honestly, sometimes the pace is exhausting. I’m very curious about this present, deep, guttural, earthy, and poignant rumbling that I not only hear but feel on a visceral level. Is that you Pluto? Shifting in tectonic fashion from the terrestrial Capricorn to the extraterrestrial Aquarius? I know we are technically already there but for this Cappy who has been romanced by the Lord of the Underworld for the last 16 years, the actual transition is a bit more thorough and literal than a rebirth overnight. 


I am still clearing out the tendrils of Pluto’s Capricorn Soirée and most likely will be through the end of the year when Pluto returns for 2 months from September 1st to November 19th - just in time for the US Presidential Election. Speaking of politics, my prediction is that the state of affairs will have to get even worse, less dignified, and quite frankly, hit rock bottom plunging into pure slime before anything new or fertile can emerge newly in this sector of our current humanitarian crisis.


And while we’re on the topic of humanitarian crisis, this is where Pluto in Aquarius may actually rise from the ashes of the abyss and shine while illuminating the intense darkness that has corrupted society throughout various genres of our existence. The true litmus test will be each individual's response to various disruptive opportunities in order to form a new collective cohesion - or not. The jury is out, which wave into the future will you catch? One that is aligned with the values and principles of creative life force? Or those that are inherently destructive toward life itself? Note - it isn’t always easy to know the difference between the two when steeped in tradition, addiction, pop culture, politics, technology, etc. 

And back to the rumble…it is accompanied by unbearable amounts of discomfort, slowly arriving like champagne bubbles to the surface of my awareness. Small messages and visions of the inevitable turn of events arriving as whispers and cautionary tales. Foresight? Inner knowing? Yes…and. For much of my life, I’ve been able to see, even if just a little as if receiving breadcrumbs of the future to follow. Today I am again on a precipice where the breadcrumbs fall away into the unknown and only my faith remains. This is familiar territory only in that I know this is part of a greater cycle of death and rebirth. 


What now? Fear or excitement? In the moments that you find yourself here, the choice is yours. And more than that, there is work to do to align myself appropriately to what needs my attention, what needs to be done, and what needs to be released into the river of life. This is a new moon in Aquarius that, ruled by Uranus and Saturn, offers a steady diet of change on the current menu. This new moon is also squaring Uranus which will up the ante on the unexpected and the element of surprise. My advice for any challenges that arise? They are here for a reason and these too shall pass so hang tight and let go…Blessed New Moon to you!

All my best to you and please receive the piece of my heart that lives inside these words.

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