Does The Past Beget The Future?


Q: Does the Past Beget The Future?

A: During Eclipse Season there is a special portal through which you can discover so much about yourself in ways unfathomed. A special invitation arises in which you can surf the waves of your destined path and make ample progress if that is something you want. Suppose one traverses the South Node Lunar Full Moon Eclipse in Libra toward the North Node Solar New Moon Eclipse in Aries with awareness and focused intention. In that case, you can consciously work to release the outdated and unuseful relational patterns and habits that have haunted you through life and prepare for a new and sovereign modality of being. This isn’t about hyping up your independent nature, this is about reclaiming the parts of yourself that have been distributed to others in ways that do not serve you or anyone else, truly.

With the South Node moving through the Libran realm of your chart, you are being asked to release aspects of your relationships and previous ways of relating that are holding you back in some capacity. During a Lunar South Node Eclipse, you will have cosmic support to let go or “eclipse” the patterns that are deeply lodged within. You may shed people in your life, and most likely the limiting parts of you that initiated those relationships in the first place.


The South Node represents the past; ways of being, patterns, tendencies, and familiarities that define a large part of who you have been. Now, as a human, it is likely that you have been many characters throughout time, both in this lifetime and in previous ones. This is where the process of self-realization takes on a new definition of sorts when you begin to “realize” yourself and/or selves. What does that really mean? For me, the journey of knowing myself, who I have been, and tracking the path my feet have walked over time is a strong lead into this inquiry. And by studying the past, I have become much more aware of the new future I am creating in real time.

The past is a vast landscape of terrain once lived, yet it’s begging to be discovered from a retrospective vantage point. Once the present becomes the past, it has a different quality, a distinct tonality altogether. Your past is a rich library of experience, not only from your perspective but from every perspective of those involved. Think about it this way, a memory stored within you is just the beginning. Memories are often recalled from your POV as if you’re the director or an actor within a scene you’ve lived before. And yet, multiple facets of understanding can be extracted from this one glimpse if explored objectively.


When working with my Astrotherapy clients, we often time travel together. Astrology may be one of the best tools for quickly moving through the timeline of your life, the past, and exploring important dates and anniversaries to acquire further insight. Did you know that we can look at any date in time and see what was happening in your transits during a particular event? This type of research is useful in making sense of the nonsensical and also healing the traumas that may have wedged themselves into your psyche. And reviewing various periods can support you in accessing more of yourself than ever before.

Astrology never ceases to amaze me as a tool and resource for inner work. It is not the answer to every question, it is not the ultimate beholder of a single truth, as many interpretations can be birthed from reading one chart. However, it is a mirror of the psyche, a mirror of your psyche and everything conveyed is a living part within you. If you want to know something about yourself, look to your stars and you will find a key to unlock your inner knowing and set you off on a journey of contemplation and ahas. There are endless possibilities and the South Node offers rich and fertile ground for discovery.

This is a time to do your inner research, go within, and see what you can learn about yourself as you reflect upon your journey. The deeper you go the more information you shall receive. Inner work is a process of giving and receiving. The more attention you give to your inner world, the more revelations you receive. I wish you the best these days before the upcoming Solar New Moon Eclipse. Now is the time to prepare your soil for fertilization. Dig deep and nourish your psyche with your willingness to learn.

All my best to you and please receive the piece of my heart that lives inside these words.

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