What Isn’t Changing?


Q: What Isn’t Changing?

A: Not to be confused with What Is Changing?... As I observe from my POV, I can’t actually see anything in my life that isn’t changing. How many of you can relate to this? Here are some examples of how change is moving through me. My mind is being stretched, my heart is melting open, my energy is being consolidated, and my body is shifting its gravitational center. What forms of change are showing up in your world?

This past month alone (remember that eclipse portal? Feeling hungover too?) I’ve faced some of my deepest fears and reclaimed parts of myself I didn’t know I had lost. I’ve grieved over an immense loss in friendship and have started to find my way into new internal terrain. I’ve completed a mission of love and gave my grandfather a true gift of the heart. I spent time with my father whom I’ve been estranged from for 4 years while remaining true to myself. I’ve initiated a new life practice and discipline of self-study and turned every part of my NYC studio upside down and inside out to upgrade the frequency of my home - of which I am still in process (meaning I am surrounded by chaos). 

Change begins within, then it shows up in our relationships and our immediate environment, and then in “the world”. The matters of the world are not separate. Regardless of famine or wars happening in foreign countries and you can seemingly continue with your day and evening routines, a ripple effect impacts each of us. It is just a matter of time until one feels that wave of collision with unity at some point. The world is small and as caretakers of this once pristine planet, certain responsibilities have been left behind and those consequences are real.


On Saturday, the long-awaited phenomenon of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus will finally bless us with some eclectic turn of events that could bring new forms of abundance into your life in unexpected ways. There is no actual way to predict what Uranus will do as this cosmic rebel is notorious for bringing forth the element of surprise and conjunct Jupiter, we can only guess that whatever is highlighted in this part of your chart will be amplified and obvious. It is helpful to know where these transits occur in your birth chart. For example, with the recent eclipses, the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries conjunct Mercury Rx and Chiron took place within my 1st house of identity. Although not easy, it is “comforting” to know that my current “identity chrysalis” is not in vain. 


As you’ve probably noticed, the astrology of this decade is quite strong. As we head into 2025, themes are heating up with both Neptune and Saturn entering the fire sign of Aries. Neptune on March 30th and Saturn on May 24th, these planets ingress into Aries for an initial preview of the February 20th, 2026 exact conjunction of the two in Aries at zero degrees (more on this later). These two planetary bodies are not the most compatible. Saturn Lord of Karma, time, discipline, rigor, structure, etc conjoins Neptune, The great illusionist, mystic mist, nebulous and vast, unknowing known…you get the drift. The juxtaposition is an invitation to discern the truth from the false as we traverse from the last degrees of Pisces, end an era, and cross boldly over into the new and foreign terrain of beginning again, Aries. 

Both planets are starting to bubble in the water sign of Pisces as they reach closer to the cusp of Aries. This is not just any ingress. The Pisces/Aries border is the end and the beginning, where the alpha meets the omega, where death becomes rebirth. This is the beginning of Spring and thus the end of a season. We are thick in the mud now and the fires of Aries are awaiting to cook the earth from our feet and transform the collective with a poignant exactitude. A zero-degree conjunction between Pisces and Aries is a specific message from the universe and its Gods. There is no going back and the future shall be forged by our actions rather than our dreams.

Perhaps the recent Total Solar New Moon Eclipse in Aries and all the planetary bodies moving through this fire sign as of late have given you a taste of the momentum this warrior sign has in store for us. Ruled by Mars, the themes of war and the opposing forces of peace and violence are center stage as each of us is being asked to work this out from within and from there change our relationship with each other and our world.

All my best to you and please receive the piece of my heart that lives inside these words.

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