How Do You Thrive During Difficult Transits?


Q: How Do You Thrive During Difficult Transits?

A: Great question! I am studying this one up close and personally as I am currently peeling off my psychological skin cell by cell and feeling so utterly squeezed as I wriggle through the grip of my current planetary transits. It is as if they have sunk their teeth into my old ways of being and the only way to liberate myself is to shed and let go and become naked under the sun. In other words, shuck off constructs, habits, emotions, and attachments that have kept me in particular patterns of behavior.

Are you experiencing some upheaval in your life? How about a rigorous shakedown of your beloved ego? Or maybe feeling weighed down and forced to look at parts of your life you might otherwise gladly skip over. There are so many ways that planetary transits can show up in our lives, for better and for worse - and most likely all of the above. And as humans, we will all undergo certain transits at certain times of life, for example, the “beloved” Saturn Return. This transit acts as a cosmic chiropractic adjustment, aligning you in the right direction - think of it as a course correction every 27-30 years.


Look, knowing our current transits doesn’t change the circumstances that we find ourselves in, however, it can help to create an understanding as to why things are happening which offers solace and reprieve. I’d like to ask all the Capricorns out there to raise their hand and let me know how their Pluto transit felt sometime during the last 16 years. Maybe some of you are just completing this now…and being in this camp, I can say that knowing my astrology during this time of life has been a game-changer and a lifesaver for me. Aquarians, you are up next! Reach out if you are feeling inspired to know more about this!!

However, transits don’t just happen in conjunction - meaning when a transiting planet crosses over your natal planet. Transits happen in all aspects of the chart, in opposition, squares, trines, sextiles, etc. So at any given moment, many planets (facets of your psyche) are experiencing a transit, or even more than one. When we educate ourselves not only about our birth chart but also start to follow our personal astrological weather, we deepen our resilience and increase fortitude. Knowledge is power and in this case, it can truly change your life. Again, you can’t change the transits but you can change your approach as to how you will live them. This means you can work with them rather than against them. This. Is. Everything.


So how do you thrive rather than merely survive the difficult ones? Well, first - survive haha. Yes, do that part first, and I am half joking. Remember, these transits aren’t happening to you, they happen within you. And some are characteristically experienced as a death of self. This is pretty unpleasant any way you look at it. However, there is always a bright side. Death to what? Death to parts of yourself that are holding you back, getting in the way of your personal evolution, dangerous to your future in some capacity, destructive, etc. And you may be surprised at how attached to these ways of being you can be. I certainly have been, and it is shocking.

My best advice to you when undergoing really challenging transits is to embrace them. Accept that this is what the current invitation is and turn toward it rather than away from it. With all of your courage, open your eyes, and your heart to receive the guidance of your internal wisdom and listen, listen, listen. These are the times to slow down, pause, and take heed of what is being shown to you. Pride will often take a beating here and you may feel a bit pummeled or brought to your metaphorical or actual knees. This is a good thing. Surrender is not an easy feat and the more stubborn you are the more difficult it is to get there. I am clearly writing from my experience and I hope that it is different for you. However, we humans are not that different when it comes to inner work and the work we each have to do.

All my best to you and please receive the piece of my heart that lives inside these words.

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