What Is Your Dream Job?


Q: What Is Your Dream Job?

A: Pisces Season is an invitation to the vastness that is the inner world. A dimension of self that can only be accessed through deep meditation, conscious contemplative activities, or through our dream states. Dreaming is an extracurricular activity for most and some are hardly present to this notion, however for the Pisces within us, dreaming is a vehicle for communication. It is through this mystical terrain that the connection to Being is illuminated via symbols, small theatrical visions of circumstance, and understanding accessed retrospectively when recounting the previous evening journey during “sleep”.

As a Pisces Rising, you can say dreaming is how I navigate through this world. It is how I navigate through the worlds of my awareness which includes my external reality, the full spectrum of my interior realms, my communion with God, and my underworld. Dreaming is not my only access to these aspects of my Being and the experiences I have on Earth, yet it is a critical part of my relating, understanding, and decision-making journey as it is here that I often receive the most potent messages of all.


Learning to work with dreams is something each of us can do in a lifetime. There are levels of sensitivity for sure but truly I have found that an earnest desire to connect with inner knowledge from an authentic reach of the pure heart is a key to this domain. And trust me, I am not romanticizing this notion in the slightest. Dreams are often not “dreamy” but can be rather intense, fearful, blazingly intentional, and revealing of what needs to be seen instead of what you might want to see.

There is something so mysterious, so powerful, and so utterly bizarre about this art form so to speak. It truly is an art form if you want to work with dreams as a means to support your realization of self. There is discipline involved which includes remembering them, and not just remembering them in the moment but making a practice of writing them down. How many times have you remembered a dream only to lose the essence of it moments later? Dreams are fleeting, as a scent that wafts in for a time before evaporating into memory.


This New Moon in Pisces is encouraging us to remember our dreams. And not just the ones I’ve been writing about here but also the hopes and dreams that we aspire to materialize into “reality”. I have quotes around “reality” because I sometimes think of this as a relative concept. What is real to you may not be real to me and what our perceptions of reality may be, might be different than someone else and so on. And maybe there is a true reality but my hunch is that it does not reveal itself easily in the samsaric dimension that I find myself in daily, and I will speak for myself.

This moon might just be a portal into the reality that does exist and yet is only available to those who seek it, who walk toward it through the secret codes of humility and faith. The Piscean Kingdom is one of majesty, and true effort is required to delve into its depths and return with the pearls of wisdom that glisten upon the metaphoric ocean floor of your psyche. So my wish for you on this new moon is to dive deep and instead of holding your breath, breathe in the new possibilities that are awaiting your discovery.

All my best to you and please receive the piece of my heart that lives inside these words.

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