Are You Afraid of the Darkness?

WINTER SOLSTICE, Mercury Retrograde & more

Q: Are you afraid of the darkness?

A: This time of year offers a powerful reflection if you’re daring enough to witness yourself on the cusp, the in-between. In these moments, the veil is thinner and we are less apt to choose self-deception if our heart is aligned with the truth. That doesn’t mean it is easy, it means that this time has the potential to be very raw and blazingly authentic. The Winter Solstice is known as a crescendo of darkness in the Northern Hemisphere and yet it is also the opening to the expansive light ahead.


The medicine of December 21st runs deep within the archetypal and primal veins of our journey as humans in collaboration with the vast power of the royal luminaries, the Sun and the Moon. They remind us of our ancient story as we annually exhale into the longest night and inhale the rebirth of light. This is a threshold crossing of deep contemplation and a call for honesty with ourselves. 

When facing the mirror of the longest night of the year, the invitation is to see what needs to be known and to let go of what cannot be brought into the frequency of the new. Fear is a natural response to what is unknown, it protects you, however, it can also debilitate you and for many, it has become a default reaction, an excuse to stay nestled into limiting beliefs and a smallness that just isn’t true. 

How many times have you been so afraid only to eventually face the fear and realize that the imagined terror was underwhelming? And if you transcended a relevant fear, worthy of respect, the courage you garnered was well worth it, perhaps even life-changing.


Mercury is now retrograde indicating a cozier cocoon of introspection and pause, perfect for this season and timely as we close out a powerful year deserving of retrospective revelation. This is the time to make some tea, grab a journal, and explore your inner world through inquiries such as: What have you learned this year? What can you apologize for to clean up your karmic wake? Where can you adjust your vision to enhance the walk ahead into 2024? If there is unfinished business to attend to, take note and bring your warmest gesture toward resolution.


Jupiter blesses this Winter Solstice with the gift of promise and abundant momentum ripening into the Spring Equinox. Now is the time to revel in the knowing of what is possible within your heart and allow yourself to dream it into reality. You’ve worked hard to get here and there will be more tests, challenges, and growth opportunities ahead so take rest, surrender the effort, and trust in the merits unfolding from within you. This next year is a bright one. Pay tribute to your fertile ground that lives inside the darkness.

All my best to you and please receive the piece of my heart that lives inside these words.

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