How Do You Prepare for a Pluto Return?

pluto in a blue, mystical sky with a heart etched inside

Q: How Do You Prepare for a Pluto Return?

A: The best thing we can do right now is gear up for the long haul. Stamina. A word of strength and in this moment, possibility. We always have options in the face of deep challenge. Maybe we resist completely, hide and scurry away under our metaphoric blankets, hoping that others will take care of the dirty work for us. Perhaps we get loud and speak out against, activating the fight instinct without really knowing where to direct our angst. Or maybe, just maybe we can orient ourselves in a center of gravity that can withstand any storm. And storms…they are coming.

You’ve most likely heard of a Saturn return? This is when Saturn returns to where it is in your natal birth chart, approximately every 27 years. Do you remember your life during the ages of 27-30? It is not an easy bridge to cross, and maybe you’re living it now or have already weathered through it. A Saturn return brings with it a sobering process of aligning to your truth, revelation of dharma, and paying elements of karma along the way. Now let’s take this to the nth degree. Meet the Pluto Return. Approximately every 247 years, this annihilator of the false completes a cycle around the sun, returning to where it met a particular birth of an event of sorts.

Since as humans we currently have a lifespan of 100 years plus or minus, we will not personally experience a Pluto return within our individual astrological chart. Maybe if you are ‘lucky’ you will have a Pluto transit over your Sun, Moon, or ascendant which will give you just enough death, rebirth, and transformation to kick you into high gear for the rest of your years. However, the birth of a nation has the opportunity to experience this phenomenon and our beloved country, The United States, is heading towards its 247th year in the near future. It is not every day that we will experience such a radical Pluto/Pluto Conjunction ringing throughout the collective.

What does this mean? The term ‘healing crisis’ applies here. We are going to be reconciling as a nation with our relationship to power. It is a time of confronting our past, where have we walked as a people? What choices have we made since our democracy was proclaimed? Have we built a future on a foundation of integrity? July 4th, 1776 our government was established while Pluto was transiting 27 degrees Capricorn. Although we won’t find Pluto exact to 27 degrees until February 20th, 2022, we are now within its deepening and magnetic sphere of influence. The shifts are already taking place from within our bones. Can you feel this?

Simultaneously, as if this cosmic novella wasn’t dramatic enough, Eris, the ‘dwarf’ planet, larger than Pluto yet three times farther away, has entered onto the scene. Discovered in 2005, she made her entrance known as a preview to coming attractions. January, 27th of this year, her debut shocked the collective system as she squared the now-infamous Pluto/Saturn conjunction which opened up this stellar decade. Eris is the rival sister to Mars, referred to as the daughter of the night and is known to the Romans as ‘Discordia’. Her realm is the underworld; her element is power and she will do anything to acquire it.

Let’s imagine the astrology of this moment providing specialized starlit acupuncture to a dying paradigm of rigid thought and insidious corruption. The acupuncture is not here to revive the old but to disintegrate and transmute that which has been (lies, self-deception, personal gain at the expense of our planet and each other) into something…New. We will receive five powerful (acu) points of Eris squaring Pluto between now and the end of 2021. And Jupiter will conjoin Pluto two more times in 2020, prepping us, guiding us towards the reckoning of our Pluto return.

We find ourselves in a collective movement towards change, moving from a debilitated patriarchal failure into a new world of co-creative possibility. ‘Now’ is a combination of the churn between that which is beneficial in our societal foundation up against that which is implausible, outdated, and deceitful. All roads point towards the emergence of a new politic, new governing structures that begin with self-responsibility at the forefront of a yet to be discovered illumined rebirth of a constitution. This is not an overnight success. This will be revealed within the next 15 years of a seemingly long journey of understanding and comprehension.

What will be the pathway to the realization of this future vision? So vital, feminine, and effervescent? We reverse engineer, tracing back to this moment, to the seeds of ‘intention’ buried within the theme of this decade. The acupuncture points intricately pierced on the eve of the new moon solar eclipse, Christmas day, 2019, the full moon lunar eclipse on January 10th, the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto on January 12th, squared by Eris in Aries on January 27th. The pathway to new structures, payment of karmic debts, and utter transformation is being roto-rooted by the heavy-hitting planets, digging in as ‘earthmovers’, providing a series of chiropractic adjustments across the world.

How to prepare? The clear answer is always inner work. Without it we are lost, grasping for meaning and security from externalized circumstances that are slipping through our fingers. The steadfastness we seek is within. Secondly, we can ask ourselves how we can serve? The answer will be unique to each of us, those whose head can rise above ‘survival’ has a responsibility to the whole. Asking this question and taking action provides resolve and gives us direction of where to put our energy.

Speaking of energy, we have a lot of it – it is USEFUL, it is powerful. The opportunity is to utilize it in a new way. Most of the energy we have as humans has been oppressed, denied, ignored, or wasted away. Maybe we have taken a back seat to our own lives. Or have given our power away, living for others, deferred our personal dreams, or are living behind the scenes. This moment is asking us to come forward, to speak our voice and to serve by using the energy that has been stored away or hidden from ourselves.

It is a courageous moment! There is excitement in the air. There is an invitation for each of us and we will be asked to choose how we want to show up in service. Many are deeply suffering without the privilege of time or access to this energy to even think this way. There are others who have the luxury to contemplate and have the privilege to ask ourselves these questions. We can lead by example and encourage others. This is not the race of last decade, this is about teamwork and collaboration.

The solutions are here, and they will find us as long as we embody and use our tools of self-inquiry, meditation, presence, and inner resource.

We are in for a ride.

Summer is on the horizon. We may hear, “thank God that is over'' and we will all feel this at some point. However, it is important to remember that this is a long game. Patience is our virtue. Let us learn to cope with the realization that it is only a matter of time before we are faced with more challenges and adversity on a global scale. There is no need to live in paranoia if we prepare ourselves by creating a strong foundation within. 

With more funerals than weddings on the calendar this season, we will need to readjust through our emotional resilience. We need to hone in on how we are spending our personal energy and train ourselves in accordance with the new requirements of the present moment. Time to get Jedi. Repeat: there is a call to show up in service, whatever that means to you. A lot of beauty is coming through this time. It is up to us to be reminders and leaders by example for what is possible.

Election 2020. What can we learn from this? In my heart of hearts, and I don’t say this lightly, it appears that it doesn’t matter who is elected. That current seat of power, the invisible strings that dance the presidential puppet, the hidden agendas, and lies woven deeply into the current state of affairs upon which the delicate balance of our ‘democracy’ exists, is corrupt beyond our perceivable awareness. This is a cosmic call for justice. It is now out of our hands. And a Pluto return is coming to bring a bigger reveal and upheaval than we’ve been able to do on our own. Vote, participate, and don’t allow your sanity to be determined by an outcome this November. The story is still unfolding.

A Pluto return is the beginning of a thorough acclimatization throughout the institutions of our nation, and thus will greatly impact the global society. Catapulted by the electrical force of Uranus in Taurus, expect upheaval as a steady roar within the arenas of government, environment, finances, agriculture, health, education, etc. This will take time. And still, we will come through this victoriously! It is always darkest before dawn yet the dawn is exceptionally bright my friends.

Long live the King (of the underworld)…Pluto is our ‘Hero’ in a big tough love kind of way. Keep the gaze of your heart upon your inner truth and from there we will walk into the brilliant future together.

“In these dark and uncertain times, there can be great value in imagining a bit of star in each human soul. Not just that it gives some hope for humanity at a time when man’s inhumanity to man seems ever on the increase; but also because it points to an inner brightness that can light the way in dark times.”

Michael Meade

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