What is a Lie?


Q: What is a lie?

A: There is a slithering cauldron full of untruths within each of our shadows. These facets of ego shy away from the light, and they lurk deep within our unconscious realm. The more we avoid them or ignore(ance), the stronger they become. Generally, they are already running the show beneath the surface, starless kings and queens of internal real estate that if seen with the naked eye would shock our nervous system into convulsions. And we think we are free…

What is the message of Pluto? Why is the Lord of the Underworld holding our potent attention in this moment of life? There is an invitation to go deep and discover who we truly are and who we truly are not. In essence, we are truth, and this truth is suffocating amongst the lies we have created which in turn have manifested into a reality. A shakedown of the very foundations of our false culture and apparent societal norms to the extent we are collectively experiencing is nothing more than an absolute demand for death, rebirth, and transformation.

The Libra full moon illuminated by the Aries sun will inevitably rile up the best of us as the planetary aspects to this moon are not for the faint of heart. Three days prior, on April 4th, Jupiter conjoined Pluto. Jupiter is the great amplifier, expanding that which comes within its spheres of grandiosity. For better or for worse, there will be a stronger nudge towards the above invitation to face our shadow nature. The conjunction of these mega-players is now squaring the full moon. Nothing can withstand the power of this galactic mirror, and it will be through our free will whether we choose to open our eyes and look into it. If we don’t see this part of ourselves now, we will be forced to see it later with an even harsher cost.

A quincunx with Neptune, the wellspring of illusion, mystery, and illness, indicates energy that simply cannot find resolve. The moment is tense and the answers…?? They are within us. No amount of watching the news, scrolling through social media or even getting outside into nature, if that is an option, will shift the tides of this cosmic request for our attention. Divert as you will, the reminders to do our inner work are awaiting us.

And as the finale to what is seemingly an out of character Libra moon, Mars squares Uranus, turning up the heat on this eerily stark moment of isolation. This energy is erratic at best, violent at worst. An Aries full moon powers forth our warrior nature, while the shadow of Libra, or our co-dependent default and grasping for another to save us, do our work for us, make this all go away ‘us’, is brought to the surface.

A lie is created by the constructs we have invented in order to survive the illusion we are born into. It is our greatest work in life to disentangle ourselves from this in order to self-liberate.

Liberation, or self-actualization, is an act of rebellion. To become a rebel is to become an individual, self-sovereign, a whole self that is not defined by the thoughts and instilled beliefs of others. To think for oneself…This is the quest ahead. We must learn how to relate from our inner knowing, trusting deep internal resource, and from there forge new relationships built on a solid foundation of truth. As we venture forth into the return of our wholeness, towards our divinity and creative spirit, every step brings ever more brilliant Libran co-creation and collaborative light. 

There may not be anything in this world more courageous than reclaiming ourselves from the entanglement of untruths that saturate our inner world. As they say, the external reflects the internal. Could we have a better example than in the past few years to see that we are off-center? The drama heightens to a frenzy in the current moment, and yet, we are still just seeing the beginning of an inevitable shifting of geopolitical, economic, cultural, and existential tectonic plates throughout this decade and beyond.


To sum it up…

 “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”

  John 8:32