If You Were President?


Q: If You Were President?

A: What would you do? Please indulge me and ask yourself this question. Instead of us thinking how others should live into this immense responsibility, let’s dream together about what we would do in those shoes.

First thing, I would apologize. Deeply, fervently, with tears of love, and prayers for mercy. Standing in the present moment I would ground my feet into the earth and give thanks. There would be recognition for all that we have been given and rectification for all that we have stolen, lied about, and destroyed. To walk forward into a bright future, we must first know where we have been. The road is long and we will walk it together, not as sheep, but as lions.

We would have a mandatory protocol for having an established life practice for self-awareness throughout our governing institutions. Period.

Our education would begin with self-observation and learning not only how to share yet also how to live from self-responsibility.

Reverence for our Earth Mother would blanket our everyday. Remembrance from which we came and to where we shall return through her skin to starlit galaxies and beyond would be our national anthem.

Elders would be honored, gathered round, and celebrated for their life and wisdom. They would be encouraged to learn new instruments and we would attend their orchestral concerts in joy.

Every water spring would be prayed over, honored, and recognized as the source of all life.

The insatiable need for copious amounts of empty sex and violence would falter when we divert our attention to co-creative innovation. What can be more exciting than solving problems? : )

Swap the ratio of government military spending with scientific research and immediate action to reverse climate change. Done.

In the midst of crisis, lay down the politic and lean into humanity evermore.

Seek beyond duality, beyond the left, and beyond the right. Divided we are eternally weak and become our biggest enemy in the mirror of ourselves. There is a middle path.

Shift all crops to regenerative agriculture and establish schools next to farms for children to grow where they learn and learn where they grow.

Prisons become universities; education, compassion, and transmutation of negative energy into that which is useful is the pathway to reform.

Self-Care for Society. Provide preventative health care and encourage self-care as a necessity rather than a luxury.

Mental health is the core of our physical, emotional, and social health. No one is left behind, everyone is invited.

Honor the heroes of our day – health care workers, grocery cashiers, law regulators, teachers, garbage haulers, deliverers... anyone who can’t work from home in their pajamas would get living wages, paid vacation, and badges of celebrated honor.

Collaborate with technology as an amplifier for good, not to be used as a vice or for personal gain.

Dissolve current karmic entanglements with precarious dictators through real conversations, invitations for deep inner work, true compassion, inspiring liberation from centuries of bondage, war, suffering, guilt, and shame. Heal our relations, ask for forgiveness, no quid pro quo.

Solarize the White House, the Pentagon, and invite the rays of the sun to infuse all of our political institutions, by running on solar power only. Completely metamorphosize DC as an example of what is possible through smart, ecologically sound, and harmonious living in every way. Bring forth the earth dwellings. Call it the Green House from now on. 

Strengthen local economies first. Businesses* urged to keep employees, fueled by government reimbursement during wars and pandemics, including businesses that are required to close, paying them at 80%. These employees would continue to be consumers, buy food, entertainment, health care, and prevention, etc. *Accepting that in above stated times, luxury travel and capital purchases ie cars, high-end brands, elective altering of physical self (plastic surgery), etc would take a much larger cut or reinvent themselves to the emerging harmony of what is required versus desired.

Take on the corruption of ‘Big Pharma’ directly, dive in, and go deep to reveal inconvenient truths to the light of day.

Eliminate wild animal trade and trophy hunting. What goes around comes around.

The conversation? Redistribution of power from the perspective of equanimity. 

Adjust focus from the war on international terrorism (See: Dissolving karmic entanglements) to taking action on eliminating the manufacturing of toxic pesticides, home cleaning, health and beauty products that are killing us from the inside out.

Seismic cultural shifting is encouraged when the result is acceptance and awareness that we are interwoven and connected by our destiny through collaboration.

Establish creativity as our national pastime. Redirecting government spending to not only support the Arts, yet to lift them up to soar without limitations. May the artists be admired before their deaths, may Art be recognized as an essential expression, critical to our health and radiance.

Hermann Hesse shared in essence that in order to create a new world, we must first destroy the old one. May we dissolve the nostalgia for what isn’t working, regardless of the historical context, perhaps especially due to its legacy. 

Invite virtue to the round table of leadership as the guiding light. Denounce greed, self-importance, and manipulation within politics and call forth true empowered servant leadership, from all representative communities, to rise up and meet one another in respect and with dignity.

Galvanize a (global) community of inspired beings to co-create a new world together. 

What else can we dream??? What would you do if you were President?

“The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas.”

Hermann Hesse