How Are You Preparing for the Next Decade?


Q: How Are You Preparing for the Next Decade?

A: Well, first I am in a deep review of the last one. Hmmm, definitely the most powerful, excruciating, inside-outing, heart-pounding, mind-riveting adventure thus far. I continue to peel back the layers of my psychic skin to see what residue has formed over this time from the consequences of my past actions. I’ll tell you, It isn’t pretty. Yet the more band-aids I rip off, the better I feel…eventually.

Coincidently for Capricorns, with Pluto and Saturn conjoining this coming January in our sign, we’ve been in a deep preparation mode, consciously or unconsciously, since Pluto made its first appearance in 2008. Our inner and outer worlds have shattered and will continue to a thousand-fold by the year 2024 and thus, we are transiting into new beings of sorts, for better, if we put our nose to the grind, and for worse, if we avoid the invitation altogether.

Be not the slave of your own past - plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep, and swim far, so you shall come back with new self-respect, with new power, and with an advanced experience that shall explain and overlook the old.

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Pluto in Capricorn is a force that is plowing through the global scene. The impact of which touches each of our lives in relation to government, economics, and power. Capricorn also represents the arts as an emotional response to the revolution we are experiencing. Institutions are being shaken and stirred to the ground, enticing a creative curiosity around what shall remain beyond this transit. Dictators also have fun in this initial swirl of mayhem as we have seen, yet the story isn’t over and justice is certain to prevail in time. Power is the overarching theme witnessed in various historical examples throughout the last transit of Pluto in Capricorn, which began the year 1762. Most prominently, Catherine the Great, who through a coup d’état, overthrew her husband (who very soon was murdered) and became the Empress of Russia until her death, whereas her reign is still considered the Golden Age of Russia.

Ralph’s wisdom continues to reverberate through his words above. There is an invitation for all of us to utilize this Plutonian invitation to venture further into our personal realm of Capricorn with a new found awareness. And from there, may we renew and reclaim our power for goodness sake rather than for our own.

Currently, I witness the stars aligning to bring in a very soulful and celebratory end to 2019, almost as if the universe is gifting a boon of acknowledgment for all we’ve collectively endured during the last ten years. The solar eclipse on the new moon of Christmas Day will bless us all if we allow it, and provide access to an inner strength of faith of which we will need right away. So…what do I mean by this?

January opens with a supercharged full moon lunar eclipse on January 10th, conjoined by Pluto, Saturn, and Mercury indicating an astrological spearhead of which I haven’t seen since learning to read the ancient texts of the heavens. I’ve been personally noting this moment in 2020 for nearly 15 years, first, because it occurs near my sun and secondly because every astrologer on the planet is doing the same.

Translation: The next decade of our lives has the potential to redefine the way we navigate life as we know it. The structures, forms, institutions, and ways we think about these same areas, are currently and metaphorically being devoured within Pluto’s lair of death, rebirth and transformation. The wrath from this moon reverberates over time and we may or may not be aware in the moment as to the undercurrent of torrential storms brewing for change. And to this, I beg the question, has anyone out there not already felt into the tectonic rumblings of this potent dance of Saturn and Pluto over the last year? In our politics and within our own minds?

How do we prepare for the unknown? We dive in, go further, deeper, and with more commitment into our own inner vastness to resource from within. The changes ahead are great and ultimately pristinely beneficial if we can learn to swim with a growing sense of faith rather than fear. Let’s do this together! What is the alternative? Alone, desperate, and isolated? I say No! to this, and ask that we come forward in heart and mind, ready to do the inner work this next decade is inviting us to do. 

Who’s in?