Posts in Astrology
Oh So Subtle?

After decades of feeling the call, I am finally a student of the art that is Qi Gong. Throughout my life, I’ve had several opportunities to explore modalities of embodiment that weave together the mind, body, and spirit. Yoga has been my primary practice for the last 3 decades, starting early as a counter to my competitive athletic endeavors as a child. Wow, that feels like an eternity and (at the same time) is just a moment, a mere glimpse of life that occurs on this planet through the consistent cycles of birth, life, and death. We are all such unusual and unique individuals with various needs, backgrounds, and origin stories. Perhaps, for me, I had to build a foundation of exploring my inner realms physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to practice Qi Gong in the way I wanted to. And it is here where I begin…

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How Dare Thee Underworld?

This is not just any full moon, nor just any full moon in Scorpio. Does anyone else feel that the intensity of the recent astrology is somehow on purpose? As a means of conveying a message of sorts? I make up that the cosmic thunderous rhetoric of this decade - starting with that Saturn/Pluto conjunction just after the Cancer Full Wolf Moon Lunar Eclipse in January of 2020 - is less of an invitation and more of a coercion to attune with self-responsibility…

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What Isn’t Changing?

Not to be confused with What Is Changing?... As I observe from my POV, I can’t actually see anything in my life that isn’t changing. How many of you can relate to this? Here are some examples of how change is moving through me. My mind is being stretched, my heart is melting open, my energy is being consolidated, and my body is shifting its gravitational center. What forms of change are showing up in your world?

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A Total Solar Eclipse of the Heart?

Hello friends, and welcome to the climatic New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries. We’ve come so far having worked this relational axis on a deep level. Whether you are and have been conscious of this process or not, it most likely hasn’t been an easy few weeks. Poignant, provocative, even perhaps alchemical, but easy? Definitely not. Threads of heartstrings are being pulled from their roots, igniting a rebirth in all of your relations. This Aries New Moon is calling you to attention, especially around one of the most significant relationships in your life, the one you have with yourself…

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Does The Past Beget The Future?

During Eclipse Season there is a special portal through which you can discover so much about yourself in ways unfathomed. A special invitation arises in which you can surf the waves of your destined path and make ample progress if that is something you want. Suppose one traverses the South Node Lunar Full Moon Eclipse in Libra toward the North Node Solar New Moon Eclipse in Aries with awareness and focused intention. In that case, you can consciously work to release the outdated and unuseful relational patterns and habits that have haunted you through life and prepare for a new and sovereign modality of being. This isn’t about hyping up your independent nature, this is about reclaiming the parts of yourself that have been distributed to others in ways that do not serve you or anyone else, truly…

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Are You Blasted Open This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse?

For me, I’m learning just how emotionally reserved I’ve been living my entire life. Meaning, I am not blasted open right now, if anything, I’ve been in a process of melting down the internal glacial sphere around my heart that has kept me locked up and frozen in protective gear since childhood. So I am somewhere between drowning and floating. Truly though, no one has gotten past my own interior “wall” that is much like that of the Game of Thrones massive fortification made of ice and stone that borders the Kingdom of the North. This is where Winter comes from…

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How Do You Thrive During Difficult Transits?

Great question! I am studying this one up close and personally as I am currently peeling off my psychological skin cell by cell and feeling so utterly squeezed as I wriggle through the grip of my current planetary transits. It is as if they have sunk their teeth into my old ways of being and the only way to liberate myself is to shed and let go and become naked under the sun. In other words, shuck off constructs, habits, emotions, and attachments that have kept me in particular patterns of behavior…

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What Is Your Dream Job?

Pisces Season is an invitation to the vastness that is the inner world. A dimension of self that can only be accessed through deep meditation, conscious contemplative activities, or through our dream states. Dreaming is an extracurricular activity for most and some are hardly present to this notion, however for the Pisces within us, dreaming is a vehicle for communication. It is through this mystical terrain that the connection to Being is illuminated via symbols, small theatrical visions of circumstance, and understanding accessed retrospectively when recounting the previous evening journey during “sleep”…

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I’m Questioning Everything This Full Moon, Are You?

Tracing Virgo's genesis, you will come to the Vestal Virgin—representing the purest of pure. The Vestal Virgins were the priestesses of Vesta who were honored to guard the temple’s sacred fire or the original hearth. This sacred fire is both literal and metaphorical, a fire that represents both the cosmic and the terrestrial, and is both ancient and eternally new. Welcome to the paradox of Virgo…

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How Does Grief Become You?

This week has been a strong one, beautiful in many ways but also incredibly painful as I’ve been pulled into an ocean of grief. As someone who loves change, I also can tend to romanticize the notion until it becomes so real there is nowhere else to go except into the change itself. And there within lies the death of what has been. I then enter a mourning over that loss, and later find myself steeped in prayers for the eventual rebirth of what may come. But that mourning is a deep part of the journey…

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What Is That Rumble?

The definition of a rumble is a continuous deep and resonant sound. And a living semblance of an auditory configuration emerging from the depths of my psyche means either one of two things to me. 1. A dragon has awakened (which interestingly enough we have now entered the year of the Dragon according to the Chinese New Year. or 2. Change. At this moment, I am deeply present to the latter and am asking myself - “again”?!

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Why Am I Weepy?

Deep ancient ravines of contextual matter are surfacing for me this week. And Chiron has a lot to do with it. If you don’t know what Chiron refers to, it is an indelible asteroid named after the mythological centaur teacher of Achilles and Asclepius. His life is a profound story of making gold from the gutter and of not only having survived cosmic traumas but thriving in becoming a wisdom keeper and a true guiding light for many heroes throughout Greek Mythology. Wherever this asteroid lives in your chart, it is teaching you about your core wounding and how you can transmute it for both your own healing and eventually become the wounded healer for others in your life. Any healer you’ve ever been to is only a healer because they’ve healed themselves of something…

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How Pluto Is Your Aquarius?

Have you noticed that almost everyone in your circle knows that astrology exists and even further may have a sense of what Mercury in retrograde means? Pulling back into a more objective view, it appears that we are living in a time where the exploration of the self has become more accepted as not only an elective choice but for many - a necessary act. With a magnetic pull towards tools and resources to support the journey inward, breathwork, yoga, meditation, plant medicine, astrology, sound, etc have/are becoming heavily popularized on a mass scale while religion is losing popularity with new generations…

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What Is Your Wish?

Is today your birthday? The odds point to no, yet if it is, the happiest of solar returns to you! PS Many of you who see me for Astrotherapy have asked me what a Solar Return reading is. It is a reading that reveals the themes for the year ahead by casting a chart that is indicative of the sun being at the same degree as on your birth chart which could happen the day of, before, or after your actual birthday. I don’t often share this but you can indeed shift your solar return chart depending on where you spend your birthday toward a more favorable reading. And trust me, I do take this into account when deciding where to celebrate mine every year…

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What Color Is Your Journey?

Taste, texture, sound, smell, motion, and vision…through what other ways do you perceive the world? How about through silence? Or perhaps stillness? Sometimes they come together and at others, silence and stillness may live on opposite spectrums of an experience. Sound is a world, and motion, another…And what about color, do you gravitate toward a palette that infuses your day-to-day? Your home, clothing, chosen environments and even your preference for nature are all pigments of your imagination when you become attuned to the possibilities…

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Are You Afraid of the Darkness?

This time of year offers a powerful reflection if you’re daring enough to witness yourself on the cusp, the in-between. In these moments, the veil is thinner and we are less apt to choose self-deception if our heart is aligned with the truth. That doesn’t mean it is easy, it means that this time has the potential to be very raw and blazingly authentic. The Winter Solstice is known as a crescendo of darkness in the Northern Hemisphere and yet it is also the opening to the expansive light ahead…

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