How Do You Create Something from Nothing?


Q: How Do You Create Something from Nothing?

A: Everything that we see, breathe, eat, experience, run through, put on, listen to and feel is created from nothingness. Perhaps my definition of “nothing” is slightly paradoxical as it also contains everything, but that is another conversation.

If you have ever started a business, grown a farm, written a book or made a film, I applaud you and everyone else who dedicated their lifeforce to seeing it come to life. I am constantly amazed of the effort that it takes to create anything. From a meal to a masterpiece, anything worth doing takes an immense amount of blood, sweat and tears if it is worth doing at all.

We enter this new moon in Pisces with a highly inspirational blast of both the thick and the fierce. Thick as fertile mud with Mercury venturing retrograde for the majority of this month and a fierce delight as Uranus shifts its electric tide towards Taurus for the next seven years. Retrograde = return, renew, replenish, revisit, renovate, re….imagine. This particular mud is bountiful and fecund and asks us to enjoy the creative cocoon while (re)specting the potential delays ahead. 

When Uranus, our Chief Force of Lightning, moves into a new realm of zodiac, its power is felt through this domain of our psyche, initiating an overhaul as a revolution occurs from the inside out. For the next seven years this high action change agent will tour through Taurus, raining Uranian diamonds upon our personal structures, morals, values, finances, resources of all kinds, business and daily routines.

With the Sun conjunct Neptune, the mood of this moon is sensitive, intuitive and dreamy, yet not without the grounding and angular support of both Mars and Saturn sextiling into the mix. In other words, could this be, not only dreamy but an entrepreneur’s dream? 

Mars trine Saturn offers a boost of integrity and grit to roll up our sleeves and get the job done. Fertile mud? Not an issue for these power planets; when in synch…everything is possible. And both Mars and Saturn sextile the Sun/Moon provides the vitality and courage to rise to the challenge.

To begin a project or create a world, we must dream. I thank Dr. King for his resounding words that echo throughout our hearts on this theme. Neptune rules the dream-zone and with a stellium of the Sun, Moon, Neptune and Mercury all in Pisces, there couldn’t be a clearer invitation to envision that dream into the form of a seed…and plant it!

There is an empathic gift during this time which may bring forth powerful levels of compassion, especially as we all tiptoe with as much grace as we can through Mercury in retrograde. Communication and technology, contracts and purchases all deserve thorough attention and, at times, a thoughtful pause.

To create something from nothing, we must dream a seed of life, plant it and fertilize it with our creativity and focus. It may require all we have, yet if we are in love with the given project, child, or venture, we will give all we have naturally and go for the gold. Enjoy the paradoxical current of the grace amongst the grit and may you have success in the nourishing of your creative garden on this inspirational new moon.