Posts in Future
What Ends Here?

Writing this by the crackling fire before the sunrise is such a luxury and I’m soaking up every moment. This week I’ve been fortunate to recharge in my homeland of Jackson, Wyoming, gain altitude by hiking in the glorious crystalized Tetons, inhale fir sap essence into my lungs from the trees, and weave along with the Snake River walking at her edge for hours…

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What Is the Source of Your Inspiration?

I love this question. It makes me want to get really close to the inner layers of this beautiful diamond of inquiry and burrow myself deeply into the answer. And ultimately there is only one true response for me. As soon as this question is posed, I begin to feel sensations ignite throughout my body, my hair stands on end and then radiates with latent energy that is awakened as if suddenly called to attention. I feel warmth, I feel excitement, and almost a touch of shyness at the same time as if spirit is flirting with me. I feel as if I am on the cusp between life and death and that truth is just about to pour out across my tongue and into the world…

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Balance Means...?

I love a great living metaphor. The kind that ripples out from the micro to the macro and vice versa. For example, in my daily life, I am a literal balancing act between chapters or seasons of life, not quite where I’ve been and not quite where I am going. There is such a clear and visceral truth that I no longer belong in my past and yet the future is so exquisitely unknown, only to be revealed with each step. Welcome to Libra Season, the Autumnal Equinox that gifts us a momentary taste of true balance as the daylight equals the night, and in perfect form we cross a threshold from summer into fall…

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Is Your Reality a Dream?

Today is a new moon and tomorrow Mercury goes direct. However, at the moment this new moon is exact, there will be 6 planets plus Chiron retrograde which will set the tone for the month ahead (even though there will be an uptick of forward motion once Mercury shifts gears). Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Chiron, Jupiter, Uranus, and Mercury are all holding a very particular court at this time. It is tentative, speculative, contemplative, and reflective through the Virgoan lens of harvesting the fruits of your efforts with a penetrating analysis of your progress along the way…

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How's the Weather?

A: It is 7:30 a.m. and 79 degrees outside. The AC is on and blowing lucid visions of life yet to be integrated into my conscious mind from the depths. There is a correlation between the movement of cool air and the rustling up of sedimentary processes lying inside the dark lake of my inner stillness. I hear the internal call to review how I got here, what is happening now, and what comes next once the past and present are clarified.  The astrology of the moment is also a great indicator of how cosmic weather provokes similar invitations if I am paying attention…

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Where Are We Going?

 As promised, this is Part 3 of the previous series Which Way Will They Blow? To begin, let’s discuss the we and the where. A friend once shared his perspective that when using the word “we” when writing, it automatically assumes everyone is in the same boat. And when it comes to the cosmic language of astrology and speaking to the collective (we) about the astrological weather of our near future (where), there is no other boat to be found, at least while we are destined to remain on this planet together…

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What Is Beauty?

I find myself in utter astonishment. Not because of the complete 180 that has introduced itself into my life this week but because of the most exquisitely beautiful dream I just woke up from. Have you ever been surfing the tidal waves of change, basking in the glory of the unknown, and asked for a sign? Me too. Just yesterday actually. It isn’t that I am new to these death and rebirth cycles of life, yet, somehow they keep feeling more intense, more palpable, with more at risk. I imagine this crescendo of undeniability and immensity is a true blessing. The more life I live, the deeper into the layers of my psyche I go, and what I find there needs work - rugged, genuine, courageous inner work…

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If You Could Have More of Anything, What Would It Be?

God. What does this word mean to you? Every letter is a symbol that coalesces into form when put together to create a particular wor(l)d. There is a resonance, a vibration, and a powerful resounding tone that emanates from this word. Some may throw their life before it, surrendering to the intoxicating gaze of destiny and dance with wild abandon into the eternity that is God. Others may run, as far as they can from it, barely uttering these letters upon their tongue. While others may dissect it through time and space, tracing history with their intellect, “proving” the absence of such a thing as if a construct of the human mind itself…

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Where Am I Going?

What a great question. Have you asked yourself this lately? What comes up for you? For me, many different layers to the answer are resounding in thought waves with every realization and aha. From “I don’t know” to “home” to “communion” to “do the laundry” to “the direction of my discernment” to “get some food” to “into the future” to “self-realization” to “somewhere new” to…and the story goes... 

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Which Way Will They Blow?

The winds of change are here. Deep in your bones, a new reality is fertilizing your inner soil yet discovered. One that is unrecognizable to the current collective mind. Can you feel these winds that are calling us into a new future? I can feel them, I can hear their howl too. Two years ago I was invited to explore astrology from 2020 - 2030 on a podcast and what I saw was both chilling and inspiring. The cosmos seems to be blasting transformation from an exalted karmic combination of profound medicinal astrology to cure the weakness of our societal blues from every angle. How about that?

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How Was Your Day?

Sometimes it feels as if there are a thousand days from when I wake up until I get to crawl back into bed, that luxurious place for hard-won rest. Plus, I haven’t actually been sleeping as much as I would like for the past 6 months as I continue to wrestle with my destiny which can stretch the capacity of experience in a day. Still, those moments of being deeply present to how my body practically merges with my soft sheets and the gravitational pull from my mattress are (insert Italian kiss to the tips of the fingers all brought together mudra) benissimo

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Be Still and Know?

How often do you find yourself simply being still? I’m reflecting on the stillness that is calling me from what feels like a faraway land, beyond the bustle of New York City, beyond the constant flow of thoughts that rush as a river through my unconscious, beyond the momentum of life that persists even if my body is not moving at all. Psalm 46:10 reads, Be still and know that I am God. What does this mean to you, if anything?

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Can You Remind Me?

I’m having one of those strange moments in life where I am starting to come out of a thick internal process that I didn’t realize I was in. Well, maybe I should back up a minute and rephrase that. I’m coming out of a process I very much knew I was in but didn’t know how deep I had gone. Hmmm, or is it that I am just starting to recall ways of being that have been on pause for a long time due to said process? Whatever it is, can you remind me?

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How Do I Know?

Ok, so this moment feels complicated. No longer does summer equate to easy as it somehow did during my childhood. And even that feels like somewhat of a generalization as I don’t know if it was actually that easy back then either, having to get up at the crack of dawn to jump into a cold plunge of a swimming pool for swim team practice every day, even earlier than during the school year. All of this to say, we’ve officially entered summer and nothing feels easy about this moment…

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Who’s Going Retrograde and What’s With This Weather?

Upside down, Mercury squaring Neptune, boy you turn me. Inside out…and round and round. Anyone else feeling washing machine vibes? Is the current awareness of the acute complexity of challenging circumstances glaringly obvious to you too? And yet, is it also difficult to know which way is up? Same here. Although we’ve recently moved onto the shores of Cancer Season, this moment in time feels deeply mental, ripe with waves of confusion just murky enough to encourage pause from moving in any specific direction too fast…

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What Captivates You Now?

Hello out there! Is anyone else feeling insatiable about what you are learning? There just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day. One moment I am expanding my astrological knowledge into the vastness, the next I am toning my vocal cords with new exercises, after which I dance to unexplored rhythms, and then attempt to memorize the lyrics of old songs. All of this is juxtaposed with the balancing act of my brain seeking reprieve from the overflow of new terrain I discover on a daily basis through my J.O.B. in the Architecture & Design sector. Multi-task learning is the perfect crescendo to wrap up Gemini season on this new moon in Gemini…

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Are We on Common Ground?

There is nothing like waking up with vitality, feeling the inspired pull toward these keys to flush out some ruminating heart thoughts about a provocative inquiry. At least, for me, getting to share my enthusiasm, curiosities, and future memories or visions with you in this journal is quite a distinguished gem in the treasure chest of my life. And when an evening such as last night rolls through my life experience, I am all the more up and at ‘em, even after only a few hours of rest…

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When Does It End?

There is no end! Haha, in my humble opinion of course. This is not true from certain vantage points (we do die) and yet there is maha or “grand” truth so fervently embedded in that statement. Where am I going with this? Eternal life is defined perhaps by the incessant continuation of the cycles of death, rebirth, and transformation inherent within the rhythms of life itself. For example, we die to one way of being in the womb, once surviving through our umbilical cord and swimming in amniotic fluid, to then an abrupt ending as we die to being a fetus and are born into this world…

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