How Do I Know?

Full Moon in dark sky


Q:How do i know?

A: Ok, so this moment feels complicated. No longer does summer equate to easy as it somehow did during my childhood. And even that feels like somewhat of a generalization as I don’t know if it was actually that easy back then either, having to get up at the crack of dawn to jump into a cold plunge swimming pool for swim team practice every day, even earlier than during the school year. All of this to say, we’ve officially entered summer and nothing feels easy about this moment.

However, I do wish for ease for all of you and I hope that the inner churn I am experiencing is merely personal. Although, somehow I doubt it as it feels like most people I know are chewing on something of great significance, attempting to find understanding and meaning in it all. Well, I don’t actually wish you free from the inner churn as this is a ripe gift of inner work, but ease, yes. And sometimes being human can nearly take my breath away. The absolute miracle of it; the agony and the ecstasy of it…what. A. Ride.


This full moon may have something to do with it. It is a Capricorn full moon after all and not just any moon, the Guru Purnima, as they refer to it in India. A moon that honors the Gurus and the Teachers in our lives. It is a moon that pulls me directly into the bosom of my own Being, the true Guru, and I get to see myself where I am, without filter. Where am I aligned with my true nature, and where I am misaligned become more clear under this auspicious moonlight. 

So I am leaning into the discomfort of the truths I see reflecting the inner work that is mine to do. Still navigating a healing journey that is so unpleasant, and challenging me to my core. And yet, I am moving forward, choosing to enjoy my life every day because this is the one that I have right now. Meanwhile, I hear my Being whispering to me to change. I am also getting the incessant beeping of the inner alarm that my five minutes of snoozing are over. And sometimes I find myself fantasizing about a beach vacation lol. There is time for everything in life, and right now, I am being schooled. Hopefully, vacation comes next : )

Capricorn is a sign that represents the Father, governed by Saturn, the disciplinarian of the zodiac. Cancer opposes Capricorn, representing the Mother, and is ruled by the moon and the rhythms of nature inspired by the dance between our Moon, Earth, and the Sun. Together Capricorn and Cancer teach us about our paternal and maternal lineages, our instincts to go out into the world, and our desire to retreat from it, as well as the cosmic origin of our spirit. Imagine that just as we are born into the world from a mother and a father, that our essence is also birthed from an inner mother and father. Perhaps our human journey aligns with something greater than ourselves when we reunite with our origin through inner knowing. 


Inner knowing is different from intuition and different from thinking “I know”. There is a light inside of me that reflects a knowing that is beyond the imposition of an opinion as to whether something is right or wrong, it just is. Some also refer to this as conscience. “Right versus wrong” has really gotten caught within the samsaric web of cancel culture and preference, and is barely allowed to be spoken of. Instead of taking an immediate stance on any given topic in firm belief, I invite you for a moment, deeper into the intimate sanctuary of your soul that only carries a dialogue between you and your creator. From there, it is possible that each of us are faced with having to understand firsthand what karma actually means and why knowing what is “right” is just as important as knowing what is “wrong”. 

In a world that jumps to conclusions and projections at a dizzying pace, it isn’t hard to see why we, as humans, are caught in the egoic mire that we are. What if instead of pointing fingers we took responsibility for ourselves and our own actions and brought that process into the deep place within our soul in order to seek the resolve that is inherently possible? Then we could stop judging others for their wrongness or praising them for their righteousness and instead seek the balance and harmony within ourselves. I have a hunch that somewhere inside each of us, there is a yearning for this lived experience of harmony. I’d love to see what could be possible if, through our inner work and deep churn from within, we could bring forth a newfound relationship to our inner knowing.

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