Who Is at War?



A: At one point I wrote a blog about the following statement - We cannot change the world until we accept we are the world. This is the new conversation. Today I am steeping in this phrase. What does it mean to me? Why did I once announce this to myself and what is the conversation I am longing to have and with whom?

Today also feels so potent, so deeply alive, painful at moments, uncomfortable at others, and ultimately so intrinsically beautiful in the possibility that lives within it.


I’ve recently returned from a prayer adventure. Not just any prayer, one that called to me from afar and wouldn’t let me go. A returning home of sorts, to God, to myself, and to my brothers and sisters too. I still need some time to process what I’ve just lived through, as the invitation felt like a cosmic acupuncture point delineating a threshold crossing in life. I definitely feel different on this side of it too, and am still integrating the miracles.

It is wild and disorienting in a way to be so focused on God, love, and prayer for several days without reprieve only to “return” to the outside world and learn of the atrocities, the hatred of war, and the agony that accompanies it. To feel so empathetic with humanity and experience the distortions of integrity that are stretched between realities is at times nightmarish. 


And then I return to what I shared above, about not being able to change the world until I accept that I am the world. I remember powerfully dark moments of inner exploration over the course of the last 20 years in which I have been diligently studying my psyche with fervor. I recall one scene in a deep inner hell realm that nearly took my breath away in sheer terror. How an army that was so vastly overwhelming and made up of facets of the unconscious ego was scrambling to destroy all that was good inside of me. Literally armed and dangerous, soldiers ready to siege my innocence and my virtue. I realized then that there was a war inside of my soul, that the fight between good and evil actually was playing out inside me and I had been completely oblivious to it. 

It was in that moment of revelation that I began to notice that every aspect of that which is deemed evil and dark, scary and terrifying in the outer world is also a reflection of the inner world. And that the more that I differentiated myself from that which was bad, dark, etc I was actually becoming more blind to my own shadow, my responsibility, and the very doorways of liberation that exist within me. The cost of the liberation is expensive and it costs beloved and familiar egos, attachments, and ways of being that are not only useless in the higher realms of consciousness, they are absolutely not invited. In order for me to be able to pay my debts for my unconscious behavior, I have to also observe and address this behavior, and reconcile it with my Being.

When the inner wars are not attended to, they become manifest and materialize in the flesh. Much like if I do not do my inner work, I will instead project my emotions and reactions upon the nearest character in the story of my life, whether a beloved, a friend, or an enemy. 


Today is also a South Node Solar Eclipse in Libra. All of our relations are up for review. Tendencies and habitual expressions of relating come under the magnifying glass of the conscience. Eclipses are a powerful time to listen and let go. Listen. Let go. Observe the resistance, the ache to hold on to what has been, and liberate yourself if you dare. Each human will feel the impact of this release, the solar energy is cut momentarily which actually has the power to sever the past from the present. Participation is requested and your intention and awareness are required. 

When war is waging in the external realms, I go deeper into my own soul to do the work that needs to be done. I ask myself, where can I bring peace where there is conflict? Where can I become a sanctuary of rest rather than a destructive and unpredictable source of anxiety? Where am I out of alignment with my creator versus aligned and primed for exceptional results?

Now is the time to look inside of ourselves. When hatred and fear are manifest it is not a time to hide or look away, rather in my opinion, it is a time to ask where hatred and fear might live in my unconscious mind and go to work. The war may be out there for some, right here for others, and for others, within. May this Eclipse Season be fruitful for diving into the depths of healing all our relations and letting go of what is false and destructive or unuseful to the whole of life.

All my best to you and please receive the piece of my heart that lives inside these words.

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We cannot change the world until we accept we are the world. This is the new conversation.