Balance Means...?


Q:balance means…?

A: I love a great living metaphor. The kind that ripples out from the micro to the macro and vice versa. For example, in my daily life, I am a literal balancing act between chapters or seasons of life, not quite where I’ve been and not quite where I am going. There is such a clear and visceral truth that I no longer belong in my past and yet the future is so exquisitely unknown, only to be revealed with each step. Welcome to Libra Season, the Autumnal Equinox that gifts us a momentary taste of true balance as the daylight equals the night, and in perfect form we cross a threshold from summer into fall.

How many of you have felt the energy pick up in the last week? Almost as if the winds of change were blowing right through your Being, inviting you to leave the unnecessary behind. It has been an unusual week that began with a glorious new moon in Virgo only to have been completely turned inside out by Neptune opposing the Sun creating confusion and upheaval of any semblance of plans until yesterday. Perhaps this is another metaphor in that life can be both beautiful and chaotic, organized and disheveled, promising and challenging…all while being purposefully surrendered to what simply is.


Day and night. The sun and the moon. Masculine and Feminine. Self and Other. Libra season is reflective and imaginative. Ruled by Venus our creativity is stirred up into a frenzy as the winds rush in and the leaves of the old fall away. What new and innovative ideas or concepts are blowing into your frame of mind?

And where did summer go? I don’t feel I am the only one asking this question, although I know the answer. I was working my ass off and it kind of sucked. Haha. Well, it wasn’t terrible, especially when my fate took a turn and I unexpectedly found myself liberated once again from a karmic cycle that needed clearing. Ouch, how those situations can just creep up on you. Can you relate?

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming…you just can’t take summer with you into autumn. As much as you sometimes might want to, the seasons are so carefully designed to teach us about impermanence and the cycles that carry us through breaths, moments, hours, days, weeks, months, years, and lives. And as I write here, upon the cusp of a new cycle, a new season in which I am thrilled to share something new with you.

my ASTROLOGy studies

I suppose it is official, I’m an astrologer! Although I have studied astrology for 20 years and practiced it as a passion for 15, I’m just now accepting that I may actually be one lol. And maybe that isn’t news to you, but it kind of is to me. Just recently a dear friend suggested that maybe I explore doing more with it and I simply could not see the gift in front of me in that moment, it was too close. It took some deep reflection and consideration to see the glow of the obvious in what she was referring to. And I absolutely love reading the stars, it is such an intimate honor to share this with others and it is a very natural expression of my love for the cosmic landscape that I call home.

So today on this auspicious moment of balance, I ask myself what does balance mean to me? It means the veils are equally parted on either side of the curtain. And the path ahead is now clear to the extent that I can see. There is an invitation before me and it reads “Libra, enter and review how you relate with others in all facets of what is relationship.” I accept! One way in which I wish to relate with each of you is through sharing my new website! The journey is just beginning and I hope you enjoy this thoughtful and inspired refresh, please let me know what you think! I really look forward to sharing so much more with you as this adventure is a wild one!

All my best to you and please receive the piece of my heart that lives inside these words.

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