How Does Your Lava Flow?


Q:How Does Your Lava Flow?

A: As willing as one is to see, this new moon in Aries (a truly rare hybrid eclipse on all levels) will pierce the veils to the inner realms of knowing thy self. The question could be, how willing are you? In my bones, in the cells of the marrow of my bones, I am receiving a very deep invitation to change. And not just my mind about something in particular, or a habit, but to see myself as I have never before and in seeing what I cannot unsee, I am now tasked with a new responsibility to do something about it.

I have been a seeker my entire life, always up for adventure fueled by questions and curiosity about the nature of life. I never left the “why?” stage of my childhood behind as it has been such a key to my own process of self-inquiry. By asking myself why I do the things I do, I have received an in-depth education of self-knowledge and my inner life that, for me, is the basis of understanding my outer life and the knowledge of the world. The micro to macro, fractal upon fractal, spark to the flame, fire to the star, breath to all that is…my God, this is an adventure.


How is this moment heating up for you? With so much energy brewing within the Aries cauldron ignited by a squaring Pluto, only the new shall survive. Fire has been a very strong teacher for me in the past two months leading up to this culminating threshold of dynamic fever. Fire is light, it is healing, destructive, final, regenerative, digestive, combative, consuming, brilliant, mesmerizing, passionate, violent, purifying, illuminating, burning, and transformative. It gives life and it takes it too. It transmutes and, as lava, bubbles up from the depths to create new earth before our eyes.

What part of you are you being forced to change? The word force is used here as a power that is greater than yourself alone and comes without concern of your preference, as in the case of this eclipse cycle we are entering today. Something is brewing, bubbling, steaming, and nearly overflowing in your life that has been calling your attention for some time now. Finally, the opportunity to face it without fear getting in the way is here. Aries is bold in character, and often acts before even thinking about it…and maybe that is good as perhaps there has been too much thinking and not enough action about the circumstances in question.


I am here, face to face, with a part of myself that has woven through my psyche for eons of time. I’m both in awe and also having to move through layers of unconscious terror as I do so. I’ve questioned my personal rigor in these days wondering if I am up for such an undertaking and then gently laugh as if I have a choice. And I am again reminded of the forcing function of this astrology. This is the time, and there is nowhere else to go but through. However, I can’t just “go through” as if it is a free ticket. I have to work, and working I am. Every step forward costs the courage it requires to take it, another level of understanding, more humility, and acceptance of what is.

Maybe one gift of this treasure trove of inner work laid before me is the compassion I am feeling for all beings everywhere. When one is taken into the infernos of the ancient past, there is hardly anything precious about who I’ve been and what I’ve done. Past lives are romanticized out of pride, fear, and ignorance. And sure, there is goodness to behold but the demand of my attention is to learn from my mistakes rather than to place my achievements on a pedestal to glorify. And the good news? Fire as a purifying agent can bring us to our knees and this my friends, is a worthy place to spend some time.

May you be bold with your efforts as you regenerate yourself through this eclipse cycle!

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We cannot change the world until we accept we are the world. This is the new conversation.